
Speeding and Aggressive Driving Cause Accidents

Every day in Utah, there are 143 crashes, with 61 people injured and 1 person killed, according to the most recent Utah Crash Summary report, issued by the Department of Public Safety. In 2011, there were 52,287 total reported traffic crashes, with 22,325 people injured and 243 people killed. While those numbers are high, in 2011 traffic deaths were […]


Bad Weather? Utah Law says “Drive Below the Speed Limit”

Come rain, snow or sandstorm, Utahans have been hitting the roads—and hitting each other—this past week.  It’s no surprise that car crashes increase with bad weather.  If you’ve found yourself driving in these conditions, keep in mind the law may require you to drive under the posted speed limit. Utah law says: “A person may not operate a vehicle […]


Slippery Roads: How to Drive in Snowy Weather

Here’s how you can prevent winter car accidents: 1. If your vehicle skids: Skidding is caused when the rear wheels of your vehicle lose their grip and pass to the front. To correct any skid, let up on the gas and gently turn your wheels in the direction you want to go. Do not re-apply the […]